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Sign Up Now to be a Sponsor of the 2025 Clean Cruise!

August 2, 2025 Clean Cruise Sponsor Sign-Up

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There are 4 levels of Sponsorship available, each with its own set of benefits to the sponsoring business/organization.


Electrifying Elite ($3,000)

(ALL of the below +) Name honorably mentioned during Opening Ceremony and listed within video media day of event.  Included Vendor table spot in strategic highly visible area

Power Patron ($1,000)

(ALL of the below +) Sponsor logo on visible materials day of event (Signage and stage banner).  Included Vendor table spot

Charge Crusader ($500)

(ALL of the below +)  Sponsor logo across marketing materials online (website, social media, emails)

Spark Sponsor ($50-$499)

Name listed on website, select other marketing materials