Paving the Road to Michigan’s Transportation Future.

Our Mission

We advocate for equitable legislation, programs, and changes that increase accessibility and utilization of electric vehicles (EVs) in Michigan.

Our Vision

The State of the Motor City will lead the shift from gasoline to EVs to reduce the effects of climate change and ensure an equitable future for all.

Highlights - Current Campaigns


August 2, 2025 Clean Cruise

Clean Cruise 2024 was a HUGE success!  Thank you to everyone involved.  Special thanks to Mom's Clean Air Force, EDF Action, Michigan Climate Action Network, Electrification Coalition, Eric Keller Design and all of the vendors and organizations.

If you attended, THANK YOU for joining us.  Please click below to see photos and video from the day.

CLEAN CRUISE 2025 is already in the stay tuned and save the date for August 2, 2025!

MI Clean Cars 2030

Our primary campaign currently is MI Clean Cars 2030 which is a joint campaign between MEVA and the Ecology Center.

Please check out the details of this campaign!

What’s at stake?

The standard of global transportation is changing.

Internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles have been a staple of our world for over a century, but the consequences of this industrial age technology are coming into sharp relief in the 21st century. Health concerns, pollution, and global climate change are among the currently tangible side effects of the ICE automobile, and the world is shifting to compensate. With this shift, the home of the Motor City finds itself in on the edge of the spotlight. Will Michigan have the vision to lead the way, leaning on its existing infrastructure, technical expertise, supply chains, and reputation? Or will we cling to the past, and let the automotive capital of the United States lose its century long head start?

MEVA's Upcoming Events

  • Creek Enterprise, a leader in utility construction for over 20 years, is excited to host a special community event in Adrian, MI, on October 4th. As they expand their services to include critical infrastructure for EV charging, they’re inviting the community and local businesses to join them for a day of exploration, education, and fun!

    Creek enterprise event


    Learn more

Our Goals


100% of new passenger and light duty vehicle sales in Michigan will be electric by 2030


Increase rapid charging stations across the state by 50% by 2024


MI joins the Multi-State ZEV Program

Want to get involved?

Contact us and learn about donations through our contact page, or directly at We would love any help in our mission to make Michigan a leader in sustainable transportation.